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Your company's Roadmap to Sales: What Proxity has done is taken the list of your NAICS listed in SAM and given you everything your company needs to get proactive. A listing of all the contracts that came out last year for each NAICS you sell, what agency bought those NAICS, a listing of your competitors, how many of those competitors had GSA schedules, dollars involved, and active solicitations. Everything you need to get started!
Expiring Contracts: Each year the Government issues hundreds of thousands of contract RFP's that pertain to services the Government needs. 99% of the time, these are the same contracts that have been issued in the past, but every year or out as far as five years, the Government resolicits the marketplace for a new contract on the same service. A supplier has to have as much knowledge as possible in order to be a successful award winner. Being proactive is key!